24 iunie 2016

Ediția a XXIV– a a Congresului Național de Endocrinologie și al XXI – lea Simpozion Național de Neuroendocrinologie, Brașov, 22 – 25 iunie 2016

Ne face o deosebita onoare sa va anuntam participarea dnei presedinta a ARPCCI, Conf. Univ. Dr. Oltea Joja la Ediția a XXIV– a a Congresului Național de Endocrinologie și al XXI – lea Simpozion Național de Neuroendocrinologie, Brașov, 22 – 25 iunie 2016

14 iunie 2016

Call for paper Int. Cong. on Behavioral Sciences in Barcelona

 6th. World Congress of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (Management,Psychology, 

Political and Social Science) WCPBS2016

We would like to invite you to submission proposals for the “6th. World Congress of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 
(Management,Psychology, Political and Social Science) WCPBS2016” which will take place on September 6-8,2016 in University of Barcelona,Spain.
Barcelona is ideal for international researchers that need a short rejuvenating break away from their university campus. The city is a banquet for all the senses,though perhaps mainly for sight. Not far behind are the pleasures of the palate. The air temperature is almost always about right,more and more streets are pedestrianized,and burrows elegantly into medieval walls. Every now and then the fragrance of the sea in the port or in Barcelona reminds you that this is,after all,a giant seaport and beach city,with an ancient Mediterranean tradition that is,at the outset of its third millennium,flourishing—and bewitching visitors as it has for centuries. Today new architecture and design—including some of Europe s hottest new fashions in hip boutiques—provide the city with an exciting effervescent edge.
 WCPBS2016 invites you to showcase presentations,from the most diverse countries and cultures,to promote growth in research methods intimately related to teaching,learning and applications in Education nowadays in University of Barcelona. Our editorial board invites abstracts,papers,and proposals in any of the following Topics. The accepted papers will be published by International Leading Publishers (on process of agreement) or INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF COMMUNICATION AND DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITIES PUBLISHER and also submitted to SCOPUSEBSCO,and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index – CPCI (ISI Web of Science) for evaluation for inclusion in the list.
-Sincerely yours,
ISCDBU chairman

Important Dates: Submission of abstracts for review: June 25,2016


4 mai 2016

Call for papers PSIWORLD 2016

All papers submitted to the Psiworld 2016 International Conference are subjected to double peer-review conducted by designated members of the selection panel of the Conference committee.
Accepted papers will be published in Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology - RJEAP (www.rjeap.ro). The conference volume will be indexed in 4 International databases: IndexCopernicusProQuestEBSCOCrossRef.
Also, this issue will be sent for indexing in Thomson Reuters - Web of Science (former ISI)
Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology is published by "Editura Universitara" Publishing House - (A2 class).
Paper abstracts will be published in the Psiworld 2016 Conference volume of abstracts.


STRES, ANXIETATE, DEPRESIE (S.A.D) – Conferinta Nationala Interdisciplinara
Editia II – Complicatii si comorbiditati
13-14 mai 2016, Bucuresti  – Hotel Ramada Parc
Programul este creditat pentru medici, farmacisti, asistenti, psihologi.
Concept & management eveniment: Compania de comunicare medicala Houston NPA
  • Medici rezidenti, specialisti, primari (psihiatrie in principal, dar si alte specialitati, cum ar fi: medicina de familie, expertiza medicala a capacitatii de munca, reabilitare medicala, geriatrie si gerontologie, neurologie, boli metabolice, endocrinologie, medicina interna, boli infectioase etc, deoarece afectiunile psihice afecteaza foarte des pacientul si din punct de vedere somatic, fiind frecvent asociate bolilor cronice, iar medicii specialisti care ii trateaza pe acesti pacienti trebuie sa cunoasca implicatiile si complicatiile tulburarilor de sanatate mintala si sa colaboreze cu medicul psihiatru;
  • Farmacisti;
  • Asistenti medicali/de farmacie;
  • Psihologi, psihoterapeuti;
  • Studenti – nr limitat la 20.

Workshop "Problemele copilăriei și adolescenței. Diagnostic și abordare terapeutică."

In data de 20.11.2015 a avut loc work-shop-ul Problemele copilăriei și adolescenței. Diagnostic și abordare terapeutică, sustinut de Asociatia Romana de Psihoterapie Cognitiv-Comportamentala si Interpersonala in cadrul Conferintei Internationale “EDUCAȚIE ȘI CREATIVITATE PENTRU O SOCIETATE BAZATĂ PE CUNOAȘTERE”, organizata de catre Universitatea Titu Maiorescu din Bucuresti.